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Why You Need a Certified Pool Operator

Why You Need a Certified Pool Operator
Posted: Mar 14, 2016
Categories: Pool Maintenance
Comments: 0

As pool owners and pool users across the country know, the way a pool is managed is the difference between a great experience and a terrible one.  We’re sure that most of you have had experiences in both scenarios. If you yourself are used to swimming in a well kept pool, you might dread visiting other pools that might not be quite up to par. This goes for pools at private residences as well. So, if you are a pool owner, you should know the importance of hiring someone to maintain your pool that is a certified pool operator.

What characteristics are vital in a pool operator? 

You have to find someone with prior experience overseeing swimming pool operations and maintenance.  They should be certified in pool operations such as Certified Pool Operator (NSPF) as well.  You are looking for a pool operator that has excellent interpersonal skills and listening skills.  You’re looking for someone knowledgeable in service and safety who can also communicate with you at the same time.

What if you have a pool, but you know nothing about pool operations yourself and are looking to hire a pool operator? 

First and foremost, look for someone who is certified –but, do not rely on certification alone.  Look for someone with experience and a customer base.  Find someone familiar with local and state codes, familiar with standards of care in the industry, and someone who is willing to understand your unique situation.

If you are in Southern California, and are looking for a Certified Pool and Spa Operator, we would be happy to help.  Start the process.  Call Clearflo Pools at 805.428.0132 and get one step closer to the pool and backyard of your dreams.

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