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When You Should Acid Wash Your Pool

When You Should Acid Wash Your Pool
Posted: Oct 4, 2017
Categories: Pool Maintenance
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If your pool needs an updated and brighter finish, and you don’t want to add the expense of re-plastering the entire pool, an acid wash is a great option.  An acid wash is a way to spruce up the look of your pool with a purposeful stripping of a very fine layer of the pool surface.  This brings out a "new coat".  The new coat will showcase a brighter finish and can extend the life of your existing pool.

Acid washing removes unsightly stains that have built up over time. Often times, these stains are due to hard water and algae buildup. These stains and build up can lead to murky looking water that is sometimes even green or black. If your pool looks like this, it’s very likely an acid wash can help.

How does the process work? Well, it involves first draining the pool in order to get started. Once drained, chemicals are applied to the plaster. We wash all of the plaster with a mixture of water and muriatic acid. This mixture works to eliminate tough stains and the yellowing of the pool. Draining the pool also has a few benefits. Periodic draining of your swimming pool can help to remove hard water or water filled with too many chemicals. It also makes it easiest to perform any needed repairs on the pool.

The process is finished by wet-sanding the plaster to a smooth finish and filling the pool back up. Customers will have a brighter looking pool with most of the worn on stains removed.  This process is a much more inexpensive option to replastering your pool.

Have any questions? Want to start enjoying your pool again? Call us today at 805.428.0132

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