Benefits and Disadvantages
Saltwater systems have been around in the United States since the 1980’s. They were first used commercially in New Zealand in the early 1970’s.
Salt water chlorination is a process that uses dissolved salt for the sanitation system. The chlorine generator, also known as a salt cell, uses electrolysis in the presence of dissolved salt to produce hypochlorous acid, a very weak acid, and sodium hypochlorite. These are sanitizing agents already commonly used in swimming pools. As such, a saltwater pool is not actually chlorine-free; it simply utilizes a chlorine generator instead of direct addition of chlorine.
A benefit of salt systems in pools is the constant delivery of a sanitizer without the skin and eye irritation that occurs with traditional chlorine. Some people are very sensitive to odors and the smell of chlorine can be very bothersome especially to someone with seasonal allergies.
Salt systems may be more expensive to install, but pools with these systems cost less to maintain because salt is much cheaper than chlorine. Just like pools using chlorination, salt systems must be monitored to obtain proper water chemistry.
Clearflo Pools regularly Installs and maintains salt systems and we are a preferred residential service provider for Ecomatic Salt Systems in the Western Region. If you need maintenance or have questions about your Ecomatic Salt Systems equipment, contact us at 805.428.0132.